Need For Speed Underground 2 Shirokoekrannoe Razreshenie 1366x768
вторник 15 января admin 16

Need for Speed Underground 2 Widescreen Fix. Supported exe version: Any Installation: Collaboration with Aero Download and extract the archive to the game directory.
► This method only works on patched(cracked) speed2.exe. ► Please follow the first step before trying to use UNIWS • Use high resolution of the video for better experience. • In this tutorial i will be showing you how play Need For Speed Underground 2 on Widescreen monitors. • FIRST STEP: Download patched speed.exe file (Included in the link), choose the right version, and replace your original one located in the game folder. • SECOND STEP: Use Universal Widescreen Patcher by Wogg (UNIWS) 'Included with the patch' open and choose resolution that you want to use in game. When you in the game, it is IMPORTANT that you choose resolution of 640x480 • FOR EXAMPLE - I want to run the game with resolution of 1920x1080.
Using UNIWS i need to type 1920x1080 and choose destination of my speed.exe (Folder of the game). Then in the game choose resolution 640x480. If some of you having problems running UNIWS on Windows 8. Try to use 'Compatibility' by right clicking on the UNIWS - Properties - Compatibility - Run This Program in Compatibility mode for Windows 7 or XP. Also i would suggest you to run UNIWS as Administrator. Test po informatike 9 klass s otvetami paskalj 2. ► Link For The Resources *Zip Archive.