Savage Arms Model 72 Serial Number Lookup
суббота 02 марта admin 17
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Is there any information available regarding use of serial numbers to help determine year of manufacture of Savage firearms. In my case I am thinking specifically of the modern Favorite copies.meaning the Model 71, 72, 74, and the 30G models including all three calibers. And, I remember a few years ago seeing sellers at gun shows with little booklets for different gun companies that apparently had information on year of manufacture by the serial number. I have not seen anyone selling those little books. Were the books of any use? Is that information all on the internet now? I already asked this on on Rimfire Central and did not find out much.
FWIW I recently went to the Savage web site thinking maybe I could contact them about some historical the serial number question. The company had thought ahead on this, probably because of having to field all kinds of contacts from us gun enthusiasts of all kinds. Anyway, point is, the mailing address of a Mr. Callahan was given and indicated that he had once worked for Savage and now is voluntarily answering inquiries from Savage products collectors.
We don’t just offer the industry’s best firearms—we also do whatever it takes to help our customers. Stevens Arms was an American firearms manufacturer founded by Joshua Stevens in 1864 in Chicopee Falls, MA. The company introduced the.22 Long Rifle round and made a number of. As a division of Savage, Stevens continued to produce firearms at their Chicopee. 36 were custom ordered by Buffalo Bill, serial no.
So, I sat down at the computer (I think in Oct but maybe early Nov) and wrote him a nice letter of inquiry and gave him ways to easily contact me without having to write a paper letter. I gave him my email address and phone number. I have, as of this date, not heard from him. This could mean he burned out on the task or it could mean that he is more than a month behind, almost two months, on correspondence. I do not know. I am sure I have kept the letter in my word file if you want his full name and address I could give it to you if you cannot find it on the Savage site.
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