Pravila Oformleniya Etiketok V Muzee
воскресенье 03 марта admin 33
Thin vitrified layers of unfixed, unstained and unsupported virus suspensions can be prepared for observation by cryo-electron microscopy in easily controlled conditions. Dolzhnostnaya instrukciya predsedatelya komiteta po delam molodezhi. The viral particles appear free from the kind of damage caused by dehydration, freezing or adsorption to a support that is encountered in preparing biological samples for conventional electron microscopy. Cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified specimens offers possibilities for high resolution observations that compare favourably with any other electron microscopical method. AS21100 01:04:28 http // AS200000 – UA Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE7.00; Windows 2003). 2018-01-25T21:00:59+03:00 -pivo-i-prikoly-vo-vkontakte-sochinyayut-stihi-so-slovami-iz-vyvesok-i-etiketok.
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