Final Fantasy X Pnach Cheats
воскресенье 06 января admin 86
Final Fantasy X-2 is the sequel to Final Fantasy X, this time around you are mainly controlling Yu. By ressurection666 Final Fantasy x-2 is 1 of my favorites in the final fantasy siries the graphics are great and are.
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This is the sequel to the game Final Fantasy X, but this time it's Yuna's turn for some action. This is another good game form Square Enix and yet another good game in the Final Fantasy Franchis.
Its a good game all and all but some parts are a little slow and the 100% completion is agonizing. Final Fantasy X-2 is the sequel to Final Fantasy X, this time around you are mainly controlling Yu.
Final Fantasy x-2 is 1 of my favorites in the final fantasy siries the graphics are great and are. This may be one of the best Final Fantasys ever. All of the music is good and it gets really good.
Page Tools More • • • • • • • This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Final Fantasy X-2 for PlayStation 2. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please.
Easy Gil II [ ] To do this, you must have paid of O’aka’s debts in the second chapter, and still be within the confines of chapter two. O’aka will stay on the airship when his debts are paid and give you big discounts on all of the merchandise in his store. Go there with as much Gil as you can and spend it all on whatever it is you can buy until you’ve maxed out everything you can have in your inventory or run out of cash. Then, sell them off elsewhere (such as to the nearby barkeep).
Because of O’aka’s discount, you will actually make Gil by doing this in small-but-steady quantities. Ultra Potions from Greens [ ] You know the greens Clasko gives you to capture a Chocobo? If your Alchemist mixes two greens it will result in an 'Ultra Potion'. Easy Gil [ ] You must first have the 'Lady Luck' Dress Sphere and the Random Reels ability. Get in a battle with a Machina (high level Machina work faster with this).
Use CONGRATs on the Machina and he will be immune to it, but you will still get Gil. Repeat this for more Gil. Quick Health Restore [ ] Whenever your party is low on health or MP, just go to a Save Sphere, hit X and then choose 'cancel.' Your party's health and MP will be full without actually having to save. Level Up White Mages Quickly [ ] Get into an easy battle, and then eliminate all but one enemy.
Turn all your characters into White Mages, and tape down the X button. At that point, you can leave, and any damage inflicted from your enemy will be counteracted with the prayers. Note: Works best on 'Fast Battle Speed' configuration, and on enemies without status altering abilities. Bonus Dungeons [ ] Fulfill these requirements to open up extra dungeons. • Chocobo Dungeon: Talk to Clasko after you raise at least three Chocobos to Level 5. • Fiend Colony: Raise a Level 5 Chocobo and send it to Mihen Road.
• Via Infinito: In the room with the lift, in Chapter Five, there is a group of Kinderguardians, and a portal by them. New Game Plus [ ] Complete the game once through. Afterwards, there should be a 'New Game +' option on the title screen that lets you restart the game with all the items your characters had before completing the game the first time. Easy Dance Points [ ] During the dance mini-game, ignore the commands of the game and simply press X + SQUARE + TRIANGLE + CIRCLE repeatedly to earn 500 points or more.
Skip Intermission [ ] During any intermission sequence, pause the game and press SQUARE to skip the scene. Healing [ ] In the beginning of the game, when chasing the imposter, there are two big places on the left.

Go to the second spot and you will see Yuna. Ustnoe publichnoe vistuplenie 6 klass prezentaciya. Press X when next to her and your health will be fully restored. Unlock Both Mini-Games [ ] Choose a company to do promotions with. In the first two chapters, gain at least 280 promotion points with that company. Once you have that amount, switch to the other company (this will halve your current promotion points). Go ahead and promote the other company until you manage to max out your points to finish up chapter 5. As long as your ranks are 3 or above with each company (thus the 280 some point minimum) you'll get their respective mini-game.
In-Game Reset [ ] To reset in-game, press all four shoulder buttons (L1+L2+R1+R2), START and SELECT. Stealing Tips [ ] Fighting Azi Dahaka in the Heart of the Farplain, stealing may award the thrifty with free X-potions. Escape the battle and repeat for another try (after a success; successful thefts empties out a monster's inventory).
Submitted by Ken Z Easy Money [ ] From the start of the game, use Pilfer Gil to get as much money as possible and try not to buy any items/accessories. Rescue O'aka from the Al Bhed in Macalania Woods (Ch. 1) and corner him in the southeast section of Macalania. Agree to help him and pay off his debt by the end of Chapter 2 (100,000 gil!).